Pear Extract
Moisturizes and prevents aging

La pera, particularmente su piel, es fuente de flavonoides, fibra y antioxidantes como vitaminas y beta carotenos, que previenen el envejecimiento, hidratan y mantienen la juventud de la piel.
The pear is native to Eastern Europe and Asia. Currently the largest producer is China, where it has been cultivated for more than six thousand years and symbolizes immortality.
¿PARA QUÉ SIRVE Pear Extract?

The pear, and especially its skin, is rich in flavonoids and fiber, which helps to prevent aging.
- Moisturizes
- Antioxidant
- Prevents aging
- Eliminates impurities

"Pear is good for preserving the youthfulness of tissues and moisturizing because of its vitamin, beta carotene, antioxidant and zinc content."
Alba Martorell - Quality Laboratory